
更健康的冰淇淋?注册!这正是贪婪的山羊所提供的,冰淇淋是由山羊奶制成的,并且乳糖的自然含量很低,因此自然适合乳糖不耐症的人,脂肪和卡路里也比传统的牛奶冰淇淋低。With a great range of artisan flavours such as Salted Caramel, Billy Vanilli, Strawberry Cheesecake and Raspberry and Chilli in addition to more conventional flavours such as Mint Choc Chip and Chocolate, the Greedy Goat team is constantly working with some of the country’s best chefs to develop new ideas.

贪婪的山羊接近我们打印各种口味的标签,用于新产品包装,其中包括身体raybet.comraybet.comand circular lid labels. The design features various characters each flavour ranging from Billy the Kid to Margret Thatcher. The labels have been printed by our digital department using the latest industry technologies to ensure an outstanding quality finish to help the products standout from its competitors. The labels were also applied here in our factory using one of the manylabelling machines我们提供了保证标签在产品包装上的出色质量应用。raybet.com有关我们的标签打印服务联系人的更多详细信息raybet 雷竞技01978 664544或者,您可以通过以下方式发送电子邮件至销售团队:sales@etiquette.co.uk

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